In this episode, I share my answer to the question I’ve been wrestling with: how do you reduce the interference of fear and ego? Fear and ego often show up as these trickster forces that…
Browsing CategoryAudio
Reflections after my trail run
After my trail run this morning I captured a few thoughts on my current fitness focus. This is also Day 8 of the audiobloggers challenge known as #audiomo Listen: Note: I was trying to post…
Relevance in the Age of Specialisation
#audiomo Day7: Relevance in the Age of Specialisation As a generalist in a specialist’s world, can I be truly heard? Is the age of the generalist a thing of the past in a world that…
Am I just a sim, and some cosmic entity is using my mind and body as its own personal recreational vehicle, ready to discard me when I get old and broken down?
Ambient Postcard – The Juxtaposition of Garden Birds and Construction Workers Onsite
My latest project is making ambient postcards. Here’s the first one.
post challenge
Already, I’m feeling the slide back into lazy blogging now that our 30-day blog challenge is over. The little voice egging me on to sit down and bang out a blog post has gone quiet….
what myth are you living?
Here’s the audio version of today’s blog post: “This is what fools people: a man is always a teller of tales, he lives surrounded by his stories and the stories of others, he sees everything…
Radio Soulcruzer 11.06.2022
I got the idea for this episode from Jimi Hendrix’s song “Voodoo Chile,” which is on his album “Electric Ladyland.” The song clocks in at 14 minutes and 59 seconds! It’s a monster track. Well,…
Radio Soulcruzer 30.10.2022
It’s been a hot minute since I last did a Mixcloud live stream. There’s no particular reason why not, I just haven’t. But it is my intention to get back in the game and stream…
Exploring the Metaverse
The metaverse isn’t just an idea anymore. It’s a reality that’s ready to explode into the mainstream. I spent a good portion of my weekend exploring various versions of the metaverse through apps like Engage…
What would Fonzie say?
The ten emojis that only old people use, according to Gen Z. Shout out to Belinda Cleary for the inspiration.
This is some heavy sh%t
This is what happens when the council decides to fix something that isn’t broken. You end up making extra trips to the garbage dump to offload your rubbish because 3 weeks is a long time…
Here’s Why Your Actions and Behaviours need to be Congruent with Your Intentions
This quote smacked me right between the eyes when I read it. “We judge others by their actions, be we judge ourselves by our intentions.” It’s a spin-off from a Steven Covey quote: “We judge…
still a ghost town
I’m amazed at how empty the place still is.
late afternoon pick me up
Late afternoon, sometimes you need a little something to lift your energy to get you over the line.
some kind of bird, late afternoon, back garden, Southam on 15 October
I felt motivated to start making field recordings and soundscapes as a part of my adventures in sound. It’s best to listen to this with headphones on to immerse yourself in the sound.
pleasure as the purpose of life
#32 Digital Calm: We discuss the Epicurean principles of life versus Hedonism and what we mean by “Balanced Pleasure.” Why housework is good for thinking and developing friendships can be the basis for a fulfilling…
On Social Radio
In this episode, I’m in the hot seat as my friend Cristina unleashes her inner journalist on me to find out what’s behind my love of social radio, which has become my latest passion project. I also…
What to say when you don’t know what to say
#AudioMo Day 14: I get reacquainted with the Triggering Town.
Go Out With a Bang
#AudioMo Day 12 has me thinking about how I can go out with a bang instead of a whimper. transcript