Posts · September 10, 2016 0

What I’ve been listening to this week

Hello beautiful people.  It’s Saturday.  It’s raining. And I’m suppose to be at a food festival.  Somehow the idea of eating a soggy burger just doesn’t appeal.  Maybe tomorrow.


Over the coming weeks, I plan to add some regular columns to the blog, like this one ‘What I’ve been listening to this week.’

I do realise not everyone has or likes Spotify, so I’ll try to mix up the format from time to time.

On that note, what music streaming service, if any, do you use? I’ve been thinking about trying Apple Music, but feel so attached to Spotify, that I can’t bring myself to actually click the button to start listening to Apple Music.  I will work up the courage soon though.

In the meantime, here’s this week’s music I’ve been listening to:

Btw, if you are on Spotify you can link up with me here.

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