Posts · April 17, 2008 5

my top 10 movies

I am going on Robert McKee’s 3 day intensive Story seminar this weekend. I want to use the seminar as the jumping off point for launching my serious pursuit of learning and mastering the art and craft of storytelling. I read his book and learnt a great deal from it, mainly how ignorant I am of what storytelling is all about and what makes a good story. But where I was blind, now I can see. And my hopes for this weekend is that I will be able to see with even more clarity and come away with a rock solid understanding of Story

In the spirit of screenwriting and storytelling, I thought I’d go through my mental cataloged of favorite movies. Of course this list would probably change on any given day, but here it is as it stands right now, my top 15 movies (no particular order):

1. The Matrix – I love all the underlying philosophical questions.

2. The Last of the Mohicans -  the lone warrior against all odds has been a favorite motif of mine since my teenage years when i was enamored with Conan the Barbarian and the whole sword and sorcery fantasy genre.
3. Shakespeare in Love – The Bard is a personal hero of mine plus I like the film’s treatment of the love and joy of writing.

4. Crossroads – this the greatest blues road trip movie, if you love the blues, you can’t help but love this movie, some great harmonica playing and blues guitar.

5. Empire Strikes Back – the enigmatic nature of The Force is a big draw for me, Zen goes to the movies.

6. Platoon – when i first saw this film I was a cadet at West Point, i went with a bunch of other cadets and when we left the theater we dumbstruck with the realization of our chosen profession.

7. Wall Street – some great hardcore one-liners…’money never sleeps pal’…’lunch is for wimps’

8. Trading Places – Eddie Murphy at his best.

9. Point Break – the sea, the surf, living free…’it’s not a tragedy to die doing what you love…’

10. Beverly Hills Cop – Eddie Murphy at his funniest.

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