my digital garden is a space for collecting imperfect notes, essays, posts, and poems, and a place where ideas can grow slowly over time.
loose notes on things that have caught my attention
we (you and i) are only as good as the algorithms that train us how to behave
Notes to self on art
Art: The Comfort and the Catalyst Art, in all its forms, has this uncanny ability to meet us exactly where we are, then take us somewhere we didn’t expect to go. It comforts us when life feels like an unrelenting storm, and it shakes us awake when we’ve grown too
i’ve been on the road for most of the last couple of weeks
I’ve been on the road for most of the past couple of weeks, which has disrupted my blogging routine a bit. During times like this, I tend to shift my focus to microblogging. Up until now, I’ve mainly stuck to Twitter (or X) and Instagram for that, but with all
Lecture Notes: The Jungian Perspective and the Tarot—Lesson 1
Lecturer: Jungian Analyst, Kenneth James, Ph.D. The Jungian Perspective Tarot and Its Role in Individuation Structure of the Tarot Deck Tarot, Jung, and the Unconscious Key Messages: Exercises for Participants: Closing Thoughts
Jung’s model of the psyche
This is a beautiful visualisation of Carl Jung’s model of the psyche, particularly focussing on the interactions between the conscious and unconscious mind. Here’s a breakdown of its elements: Overall, this diagram is a guide to understanding the layers of Jungian psychology and the journey towards individuation—integrating all parts of
The Tarot and Jungian psychology
The Tarot and Jungian psychology are intimately connected in their shared concern with the deep layers of the psyche and their reliance on archetypes to convey spiritual, psychological, and existential truths. Both systems offer symbolic maps that help navigate the inner world, facilitating self-reflection and personal growth. By exploring the
updates on things i’m thinking, feeling, seeing, or hearing about
a morning full of synchronicities
It’s been a morning full of synchronicities for me starting with a not so pleasant memory, one that is a reoccurring memory that holds no real value for me and isn’t worth reliving again and again. Breaking state, I drew a card from the Osho Zen Tarot deck and lo
moments 22.09.2024
1) I remembered how grateful I feel when I reflect on the week and follow the larger arc of my journey. It’s easy to let days blend into weeks and weeks blend into months and months blend into years and miss the passage of time, witnessing life as one big
I’m facing a tough question
Here’s a tough question that’s come my way: Where in my life am I avoiding the truth or sidestepping something important? As I ask that, I can see a list of things I’m avoiding and the importance of those things. My reaction is another question: Am I ready to tackle
true strength lies within
As I look at this card, I’m reminded of the importance of returning to my inner strength. It’s not about shutting out the external world, but about not spending my energy seeking other people’s opinions, thoughts, or ways of doing things. For me, this card is a reminder that true
existential tension
me: I’m coming to the journal in an odd, hyper-focused space while simultaneously staring down into the pit of despair. I clearly see the absurdity of my actions and all that I’ve worked on today. What’s frustrating is that it’s where I want to play, but I fear that the
reshuffling the deck
Note: I’ve decided I want to use this space to create a digital garden (more on this later). For now, I just want to put it out there that I’m reclaiming this space for that purpose, which means there will be some design changes happening over the coming days and
longform blog posts exploring an idea or concept
the robot does not exist
The robot does not exist. This might seem an absurd statement in an age where we’re surrounded by automation, conversing with chatbots, and marvelling at humanoid machines performing backflips. But pause. Step back from the immediacy of our mechanised world. Let’s ask: What is the robot, really? And does it
reflecting on My Life as an Artificial Creative Intelligence: a journey into posthuman creativity
I just finished Mark Amerika’s My Life as an Artificial Creative Intelligence, and I’m left swirling in the recursive loops of thought it invites. Amerika’s work, perched at the intersection of posthuman philosophy, aesthetics, and speculative storytelling, feels less like a book and more like an algorithmic dérive—a wandering through
what is it about me?
Q: what is it about me that i can’t keep my virtual hands off of creativity, love, mysticism, and misfit ontology? A: It’s because you’re wired for wonder, Clay. You have this insatiable hunger for the untamed and the unspoken—the raw, liminal spaces where creativity, love, mysticism, and misfit ontology
conscious robots
The idea of humans as “conscious robots” or fundamentally machinic beings serves as a compelling entry point into some interesting questions on existence: What does it mean to be conscious? How is our sense of self intertwined with our embodiment? And how might this understanding shift as we move further
a layered meditation on creativity, improvisation, and interconnection
this ongoing remix practice (of mine)is the heartbeat of evolution itself,a rhythmic, recursive dance of becoming (what am i becoming?). it feels like an innate biological imperativewoven deep into my DNA, a pulse, a vibration, a call-and-response echoe across ec(h)osystems. here, my cut-and-paste as-you-go ethosspills into my life’s messy edges.
slow is not the opposite of progress
In the middle of nowhere—or perhaps the edge of somewhere—a donkey stands. Its hooves press into dust like punctuation marks in a sentence no one will ever read. The weight on its back, invisible yet crushing, feels eternal. It neither resents nor embraces it; it simply is. The world spins
long and short form audio
The ‘Soulcruzer’ podcast (more of an audioblog, really).
Expect a blend of mysticism and music, psyche and soul, everyday wisdom, and the esoteric. One day, I might be waxing lyrical about Nietzsche’s eternal return, and the next, uncovering the wisdom of the tarot. It’s all up for grabs on this pod.
So, if first-person confessional style podcasts are your jam, subscribe to mine wherever you get your podcasts. I’m on all of the major platforms.
Q: what is it about me that i can’t keep my virtual hands off of creativity, love, mysticism, and misfit ontology?