soulcruzer, back from his intergalactic trip, finds a world in desperate need of some musical loving to unite our souls as only music can! he dusts off decks, finds the nearest internet connection, and beams…
Date Archives June 2021
pleasure as the purpose of life
#32 Digital Calm: We discuss the Epicurean principles of life versus Hedonism and what we mean by “Balanced Pleasure.” Why housework is good for thinking and developing friendships can be the basis for a fulfilling…
On Social Radio
In this episode, I’m in the hot seat as my friend Cristina unleashes her inner journalist on me to find out what’s behind my love of social radio, which has become my latest passion project. I also…
What to say when you don’t know what to say
#AudioMo Day 14: I get reacquainted with the Triggering Town.
Go Out With a Bang
#AudioMo Day 12 has me thinking about how I can go out with a bang instead of a whimper. transcript
80s Crushes
I ventured out into the post-pandemic world yesterday. There were a few walkers around, but not many. Someone a few cubicles over from me kept coughing. Once upon a time, they would have been tarred…
Digital Calm #30
We venture into deep water on this episode tackling consciousness and self-awareness and how they affect who we believe ourselves to be. On the playlist we have music from Justin Warfield, Air, Beth Orton, Skylab,…
#AudioMo Day 9: Feel my flow
#AudioMo In the last couple of days I’ve been able to get into flow state. I love that feeling. It’s awesome. So what have I been doing to get into flow state?
The great hamburger hunt is on
I’ve been threatening to go on a hamburger adventure for many years, now I think the time is ripe. We’ve been cooped up for a year dealing with this whole pandemic thing and now that…
#audiomo Day 1: Challenge Accepted
#AudioMo – a 30-day audioblogging challenge I’ve been looking forward to all year. And the timing couldn’t have been more perfect. If you’re an audio freak or geek, or new to podcasting and have been…