Feet touched the ground at 05:47.
I know you’re not supposed to but I got sucked into social media first thing this morning. Linkedin specifically. Gary Vaynerchuk had a post up, 5 Best Tips for Salespeople. I read it and watched the accompanying 10 minute video. It was worth the time.
I only had time to read one of Olson’s poems this morning. Besides, mind was too full of frantic thoughts to concentrate on a poem. The words clashed. I went for a walk instead.
Post walk, ended up in a Zoom meeting which led me to Atlassian directly taking on Slack with their latest communication tool – Stride. It’s an app formerly known as Hipchat as far as I can see. But then again I haven’t properly given Stride a go so it’s probably premature for me to say that. Stride led me to a very funny lady, Sarah Cooper and her blog.
I hesitated to post this audio from my walk. It’s a completely unedited stream of consciousness capture so listen at your own risk:
I spent a bucket load more time than I had intended redesigning the look and feel of the blog. Changing a WordPress theme is supposed to be easy and there was a time when it was. But lately, there seems, at least in my experience over the last 18 months, a lot of compatibility issues between WordPress plugins and PHP server side. Getting hit with the ambiguous HTTP Error 500 is a pain. I don’t pretend to be a coder, but I have had to deal with stuff on the server side that I never had to do before. In fact, I vow never to change the theme of this blog again. It’s been that much of a pain. On top of that, I now have to go through back posts to deal with formatting issues. Oh the joy of being a blogger! And I’m only just getting back into game properly.
I never did make it to the gym.
22:26 OK, I I’m going to close this entry out now. I’m going to drink a coffee and read some more of the Charles Olson biography and then finish off The Tick series on Amazon Prime. I started it over dinner. There are only 6 episodes in the first season so I might as well finish it off tonight. I’m halfway there.
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