May 2004
i like these things
You are water. You’re not really organic; you’reneither acidic nor basic, yet you’re an acidand a base at the same time. You’re strongwilled and opinionated, but relaxed and readyto flow. So while you often seem worthless,without you, everything would just not work.People should definitely drink more of youevery day. Which...
Watch me unravel, I’ll soon be naked….what a great line. I’ve been buzzing most of the day despite my project being pulled at the last minute. I was due to finish it tomorrow and was about three quarters of the way with the final edits. But it looks like the...
Men of Words and Men of Action
I’ve had several short burst of distractions in the form of potential business ventures, but I solidly stuck to pursuing my dream. I even went so far as to write the first draft of a story this week, although admittedly I have been struggling to get back to it and...
Three Girls and a Baby
I thought the term MILF was reserved for the vocabulary of the Beavis and Butthead monkey spanking porn addict. But alas, I heard MILF floated amongst the crowd on the High Street and out of the mouths of babes (well babes of the grown up full bossomed variety). I was...
Things Forseen
Time to ready myself for another week in the corporate salt mines, at least the week is only 4 days; today was the May Day bank holiday in England. I will be on the road this week, which is a good change of pace. Tomorrow I am in Sheffield for...
The Heart of the Matter
I spent the whole of the day reading The Heart of the Matter, by Graham Greene. “The Heart of the Matter” is the sad story of a man tormented by an inability to live up to the dictates of his religion. Deputy Police Commissioner Scobie begins the book as a...
Leaving Do
A Few of my good friends are moving on from the office and on to new adventures. Darren is moving on to work in the big city of London. Phil is setting sail for Japan to teach English as a foreign language, and Tom is going to travel around the...
My Vocabulary
Couldn’t resist seeing my limited vocab. soulcruzer’s Word Usage 1. the (281) 26. about (29) 51. like (17) 76. right (10) 2. i (205) 27. up (29) 52. when (16) 77. will (10) 3. to (192) 28. do (28) 53. has (16) 78. many (10) 4. a (164) 29. get...