Blog · May 1, 2004 0

My Vocabulary

Couldn’t resist seeing my limited vocab.

soulcruzer’s Word Usage
1. the (281) 26. about (29) 51. like (17) 76. right (10)
2. i (205) 27. up (29) 52. when (16) 77. will (10)
3. to (192) 28. do (28) 53. has (16) 78. many (10)
4. a (164) 29. get (26) 54. back (16) 79. king (10)
5. of (151) 30. as (26) 55. there (16) 80. their (10)
6. and (138) 31. had (25) 56. not (16) 81. women (10)
7. in (91) 32. your (24) 57. then (15) 82. his (10)
8. my (83) 33. this (23) 58. how (15) 83. book (10)
9. on (72) 34. out (23) 59. by (15) 84. life (10)
10. you (72) 35. an (23) 60. they (14) 85. because (10)
11. have (65) 36. been (23) 61. want (13) 86. game (10)
12. that (56) 37. all (22) 62. into (13) 87. i’m (9)
13. is (54) 38. so (22) 63. got (12) 88. can (9)
14. for (53) 39. from (21) 64. 5 (12) 89. were (9)
15. was (49) 40. would (20) 65. sex (12) 90. things (9)
16. it (40) 41. one (20) 66. just (12) 91. new (9)
17. be (39) 42. some (20) 67. never (12) 92. done (9)
18. are (39) 43. i’m (19) 68. 2 (12) 93. know (9)
19. with (38) 44. ever (19) 69. i’ve (11) 94. race (9)
20. or (36) 45. time (19) 70. say (11) 95. our (9)
21. what (35) 46. work (18) 71. most (11) 96. here (9)
22. we (33) 47. if (18) 72. men (11) 97. adventure (9)
23. me (31) 48. last (17) 73. today (11) 98. down (9)
24. but (31) 49. who (17) 74. no (11) 99. 4 (8)
25. at (30) 50. he (17) 75. go (10) 100. money (8)
Word Count by Hutta.

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