Blog · April 5, 2020 0

It’s just a fantasy

Late last night, I felt the urge to read some heroic fantasy or epic fantasy as it’s sometimes called. I’ve been gaming a lot these past couple of weeks, which inspired me to dip back into Ethan Gilsdon’s book, Fantasy Freaks and Gaming Geeks and that, in turn, led me back to heroic fantasy novels.

I’ve been out of the genre for years, but back in the day, I knew and read all of the top authors. Last night I had no clue where to begin. I could have just pulled something off the shelf. I still have a descent collection of sword and sorcery books, but I wanted to something new. I turned to Google to help me out and found the best epic fantasy books series through the ages. I pulled a debut novel by A.K. Larkwood, The Unspoken Name. So far there’s a sacrificial virgin bride turned runaway, a mysterious wizard, and a god who’s name can’t be spoken who’s about to be pissed off when he finds out his sacrificial bride is gone. Nice.

My hidden agenda here is I’m toying with the idea of creating an interactive adventure game using Twine. But that’s probably miles down the road.

I just finished pre-recording the radio show I’ve been making for a client. Last week I was a bit rusty. I hadn’t recorded a full show for a number of years, so my rhythm was a little off beat. This week, I was back on form. It was fun to record. I hope the team like it.

I still have the cover art to make.  Here’s last weeks cover:

You can listen here

Tomorrow we roll into week 3 of lockdown. The UK Prime Minister has been admitted into the hospital to be further tested for COVID-19.  Nevr a good thing.


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