Geeked out

In addition to taking Ruth and her Mum to Heathrow airport, I geeked out a bit.  I figured if I’m going to get back into the blogging game and re-define for myself through it, then I best clean-up the back end a bit. Basically backing up my site, which I did through Jetpack. I went for the Pro option. I also upgraded to the latest version of WordPress and deleted all my obsolete plugins and themes, before finally upgrading to the latest version of PHP (7.3). I started this process yesterday, it’s not all that quick of thing to do especially if it’s the first time you’ve backed your site up and if you have a lot of plugins then the PHP Compatibility checker takes a while.

If you have a Tumblr site, then you probably got an email today letting you know the the terms and conditions have changed now that Automattic have bought Tumblr. I’m pleased that they did. I’ve always liked Tumblr, but fell out of using it much because, as a social networked blogging platform, it kind of fell out of favour with the mainstream. It became a great place to find memes and porn. Then Tumblr cleaned the place up and banned porn from the site (to make themselves attractive to buy i’m sure).

I’m hoping under Automattic’s stewardship that Tumblr will be able to thrive again.

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