September 9, 2010

September 9, 2010

blondes, ham and cheese, and serial killers

I hate days that pass so fast that you can’t remember what happened. I can remember waking up, catching a train to London, blinking and waking up on a train again headed north. Oh I do remember sitting next to a random blond discussing the merits of always carrying an umbrella with you if you live in England. It seems her boyfriend told her she didn’t need to carry an umbrella today. Up to 13:30 he was right, she didn’t need an umbrella. Then God opened up the heavens and poured out his bath water and her I sat and watched the people scramble to get out of the rain. Stimulating conversation I know. That over I returned to eating my ham and cheese sandwich and reading about a guy with a fascination for serial killers.

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