“You gotta get closer to yourself. The less things in the way of you, the better off you’re gonna be.”
“You gotta get closer to yourself. The less things in the way of you, the better off you’re gonna be.”
– David Briggs, music producer
Nothing is fixed. Everything is fluid. Change is yours to wield
“You gotta get closer to yourself. The less things in the way of you, the better off you’re gonna be.”
– David Briggs, music producer
I’ve been such a domesticated slug lately. Traveling back and forth to London everyday for 7 months has taken its toll, mostly around my midriff. The commute itself actually hasn’t been that bad. I get 2 hours of quality reading time in the morning and 2 hours of quality reading...
So I have decided to go all the way with the podcast idea. I’m in the process of creating a new show called: Six Feet From The Edge. It’s a show about growing old, trying to make the ends meet, and dealing with the absurdities of life. I spent a...
Experimenting with the podcast format. In this mini-episode: a new study suggests that feature films are better than books for a child’s early development. Also, a look at Hunter S. Thompson’s collection of letters in The Proud Highway.