The Blog

The only function of philosophy is to teach us to take life more lightly...




Mapping the Geography of the Psyche: An Inner Adventure (1)

I’ve created a beginner’s guide to the geography of the psyche, designed for those of us without a formal background in psychology. The full guide is about 48 pages—far too long for a single blog post! So, I’m thinking of publishing it as an ebook eventually, but first, I’ll be serialising it here on the blog. Afterward, I’ll compile the posts into an ebook and make it available on Gumroad. This series is especially for spiritual explorers who approach depth psychology from a mystical perspective, blending psychological insights with the Tarot. My goal is to show how depth psychology can

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Reflections from Wonderland

This image evokes one of the most iconic moments in modern cinematic history: Neo’s choice between the red pill and the blue pill in The Matrix. In this moment, Neo is offered a decision—whether to remain in the comfortable illusion of his existing world (the blue pill) or awaken to a harsher but more authentic reality (the red pill). This metaphorical choice has transcended pop culture and found its way into everyday life, resonating deeply with those who feel caught between the worlds of comfort and truth, illusion and enlightenment. On the surface, it may seem like a straightforward decision—take

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Exploring the Connection Between Tarot’s Court Cards and the MBTI

Have you ever wondered how the symbolic world of tarot could intersect with the psychological insights of personality typing? It turns out that tarot’s 16 court cards and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) may have more in common than you’d think. Both systems, though originating from different traditions—one mystical and the other psychological—offer profound ways of understanding human behaviour and archetypal energies. In this post, I want to explore how these two systems can align, shedding light on how we might use them together to dive deeper into self-awareness. At first glance, the tarot’s court cards seem like timeless archetypes,

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Lecture Notes: Jungian Perspective and the Tarot—Lesson 3

Outline for Lecture: Tarot and the Minor Arcana Lecturer: Jungian Analyst, Kenneth James, Ph.D. Minor Arcana Overview Tarot as a Visual Tool Typological Functions & Tarot Suits Experiencing the PIP Cards Court Cards and Their Roles Numerology of the Minor Arcana Class Activity Closing Remarks Key Messages

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Mental filtering

Your thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions all weave together in a continuous dance, intermixing in a way that profoundly shapes your experience of the world. It’s like you’re constantly curating your own reality, filtering the raw data of life through a personal lens of interpretation. What you end up experiencing isn’t the world as it is, but rather a version of the world that’s uniquely presented to you—constructed from your thoughts, emotions, and memories. It’s not a stark, unfiltered experience of what’s “really” out there; it’s more like a personalised slideshow of reality that’s deeply influenced by your inner narrative.

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Robert Pirsig on Classical thinking vs romantic thinking

Shout to Dave Anderson, who inspired this post with this post. Classical thinking and romantic thinking are two distinct ways for you to perceive and engage with the world, and they play a central role in Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. The contrast between these modes of thought is one of the book’s major themes, and Robert Pirsig uses them to explore how you navigate life’s complexities, especially when it comes to technology, beauty, and understanding. Classical thinking is analytical, logical, and rooted in rationality. It breaks things down into components, aiming for you to understand how things

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How do you come to know yourself?

How do you come to know yourself? And how do you come to know others? It’s a question that feels deceptively simple on the surface, yet as soon as you start peeling away the layers, you’re confronted with the vastness of the inquiry. From the moment we’re born, others begin shaping us with their definitions, expectations, and projections. Parents, teachers, friends—all with their own versions of who we are. At some point, if we’re lucky or perhaps bold enough, we start to question those narratives. There’s often a moment of rebellion—a kind of existential breaking point—where we feel the need

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The Three Faces of Time

Our unrealised potential will always draw us into the unknown of our lives, pulling us into territories we’ve yet to explore. It’s a mysterious, almost magnetic force, urging us to grow into aspects of ourselves we haven’t yet touched. But the call to reach our fullest potential doesn’t simply rely on the logical, step-by-step pacing we often cling to in our minds. Life’s timing is a far more intricate and elusive dance—one that involves the interplay of chronos, kairos, and cosmos. Chronos is the kind of time most of us are familiar with—linear, quantitative, ticking away like the hands of

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Hi I’m Clay Lowe. I’m a Digital Alchemist and Future of Learning Strategist with an insatiable appetite for information and knowledge (hence the “Infovore” moniker). I’m passionate about using AI and other emerging technologies to create more engaging, effective, and personalised learning experiences.


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