I’ve been feeling the need to formally acknowledge how tarot cards have played a role in my self-development and personal growth. But before diving into that, it’s worth taking a moment to explore the concept of synchronicity—a term coined by Carl Jung—and how it intertwines with the tarot.
Carl Jung, the Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, described synchronicity as those moments of meaningful coincidence that seem to defy the laws of probability. These instances arise when inner and outer realities converge in a way that feels profoundly significant, yet they elude explanation through direct cause and effect. Jung believed these events reveal the deep interconnectedness between our internal psyche and the external world, offering us a glimpse into the hidden architecture of reality.
When we apply the concept of synchronicity to the practice of tarot, it opens up a fascinating framework for understanding how the cards can serve not just as tools for introspection, but as keys to unlocking the deeper, often concealed currents of life. In this sense, synchronicity acts as a bridge between the inner and outer worlds, linking them in a dance of meaning that transcends ordinary logic. Jung referred to synchronicity as an “acausal connecting principle,” a phenomenon where two or more events are meaningfully related despite the absence of an apparent causal link. These events are often imbued with personal significance, mirroring the individual’s internal state or journey in ways that feel deeply resonant.
Tarot, when viewed through this lens, becomes a method of inviting synchronicity into our lives. The cards we draw during a reading can be seen as reflections of the underlying energies, thoughts, or questions that are active within us at that moment. From a Jungian perspective, the specific cards that emerge are far from random. Instead, they are synchronistic events that echo our internal landscape or the challenges we are facing. The tarot, in essence, acts as a mirror to the unconscious forces at play, offering us insights into aspects of ourselves that might otherwise remain hidden.
Approaching a tarot reading with a clear question or intention amplifies this process. The cards drawn in response often seem uncannily accurate, as though they are directly answering the inner query we have posed. This is the magic of synchronicity at work. The connection between the question and the cards is not rooted in traditional cause and effect; rather, it arises from a deeper symbolic resonance, a dialogue between the conscious mind and the unconscious.
In recognising the role of tarot in my journey, I’m also acknowledging the presence of synchronicity in my life. The cards have become more than just images on paper; they are a language through which the universe speaks to me, a tool for tapping into the rich tapestry of meaning that weaves through my internal and external worlds. Each reading is an opportunity to listen, to discern the patterns and messages that guide my path, and to engage with the mysteries that surround us all.
Tarot, much like synchronicity, invites us to pause and consider the intricate ways in which our lives are connected to the world around us. It encourages us to see beyond the surface, to explore the symbolic depths of our experiences, and to trust that there is meaning to be found in the seemingly random moments of our lives. In this way, tarot becomes not just a tool for self-reflection, but a gateway to a deeper understanding of the synchronicities that shape our existence.
By way of practical demonstration, here is the spread I used today. Feel free to copy the image and use the spread for yourself.

Before I drew the cards, I spent some time reflecting on the spread itself, and these were my initial thoughts:
I’m about to do a tarot spread focused on empowerment and abundance. This spread encourages you to acknowledge and celebrate the resources within and around you. The three areas I’m particularly looking at are my innate power, untapped potential, and source of nourishment.
What attracted me to this spread is the reflection on my innate power. I believe one of my innate powers is empathy. I’m a very empathetic person, and I wonder if it’s empathy or compassion for others. It would be interesting to explore that distinction. I have an ability to connect with people easily and build rapport quickly, which leads me to lean towards empathy. I understand people and am happy to see the world from their point of view without imposing my own views on them.
Regarding untapped potential, it lies in truly harnessing my ability to assimilate information and learn quickly. I don’t need to know everything about a subject; I can jump in, learn what I need, and then try it out. However, I don’t harness that ability enough to turn it into something usable. I use it a lot, but I don’t convert it into practical applications.
My main source of nourishment is reading. It feeds my mind and soul. I do go to the gym for physical nourishment, but my real source of nourishment comes from reading.
I then asked Juniper for her thoughts, and this is what she had to say:
Here are the cards I drew from The Light Seer’s deck:

I had Juniper help me with the interpretation:
This resonates with me and supports the interpretation of the spread. It aligns with my goal of reinventing my learning and development business, shifting from professional development and workplace learning to self-development and personal growth through online learning.
One interesting aspect was the Magician card, which is one of my favourites. I was pleased to see it as the first card drawn. I’ve resonated with it since I became interested in tarot cards. The rest of the cards, Judgement and High Priestess, also fell into place, and everything Juniper said was spot on.

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