Our choices of half chance, or the saying goes…and this morning was typical pf that half chance. I rolled out of bed a little later than usuall…0530 instead of 0430. I wanted to watch a DVD produced by O’neil, the surf and snowboard retailer. Quick aside…the DVD was very inspirational perhaps i’ll go into why it was a little later. Back to the story…So after being inspired by this DVD, I decided I needed to get my ass in gear. I was original going to spend the morning doing domestic stuff and then go for a short hike around Edge Hill. But after watching the DVD, I was like fuck the domesticated stuff…get outdoors and go for decent hike in the Peak District which is about an hour and half drive away from me. I could do the domestic stuff later. My choices had already set me down a path I had not intended to go when I woke up. Doing something as simple as watching a DVD set me off on a whole new course. Well i’m sitting hear typing this note because I made another choice that has now set me on a different course.
I thought before I go off to the Peak District, I should fix the wing mirror on my car. The part had arrived the day before and I need to get the car ready for reinspection on Friday. I thought at most it would take a half hour to fix…but car manufacturer’s are devious. They never engineer a car to be simple to fix…there were all these hidded screws and bolts all over the place that needed to be undone in order to get to the screw that holds the wing mirror in place…HA…I finally get to that one screw only to discover that I still can’t get the old wing mirror off. Fuck. So being the typical infantryman, I start banging on shit. And low and behold i snap the old wing mirror off on the outside so now it’s dangle from a few cords…rendering the car not road worthy for safety reasons. Double fuck. So now I have to take the damn thing into the mechanic who of course now has my car and will have it until after 1400 today. So much for hiking in the Peaks.
But fear not, now my choice to fix the wing mirror has now led me down a different path…to salvage the day, i’ve decided to do an urban adventure instead. So in just a few…i’m going to take a shower…pack my camera, and video camera head out into the urban jungle. The basic plan is to head to New St train in Birmingham…look on the big board and pick a place I’ve never been and catch a train there….
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