July 2016

July 29, 2016

It’s not Friday the 13th but Jason says

There’s a hashtag going around the interwebs that says Never Not Working.  I’m trying to decide whether or not that’s a good thing or a bad thing. I guess if your work and your play are one and the same thing, then yeah, never not working fits. That’s the holy...

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July 26, 2016

This is the end of it all

This drawing sort of popped into my head while I was waiting for my burger at the new Habana Cafe (formerly known as Havana Cafe). You can buy an art print of this here   Oh and the burger was delicious btw:

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July 26, 2016

Help! My brain is about to explode.

Sometimes I get myself so excited about things that my brain freezes up like a 286 computer trying to run a Windows 10. I’m too hyped to meditate, so the next best thing is to take a long walk or a cold shower. Because of time restraints, I opted for...

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July 25, 2016

reminisce – 1st draft

She reminisced in my name. Fire, meltdown and the sanity they let lose in a tangled abstract fantasy of post apocalyptic let down. She reminisced in the attic for the wind, the damned, and the free. Her shadow slipped further. Soft she lay as the boys came for her body....

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July 22, 2016

looking for a meal

  If you’re like me, when you get “hangry” you turn into a beast. Stickers available here, starting at £1.69 Art prints available here, starting at £9.19

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July 21, 2016

all the paths i could travel & jane doe

Here’s an excerpt from my poetry collection, A Thousand Bullets Gone Astray: all the paths i could travel All the paths I could travel are pointing me in 360 directions Which path I choose is hard for me to imagine. If I move in one direction the circle collapses and...

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July 19, 2016

Can we breathe

Already clustered full, my morrowed eyes looked beyond her vintage lips. Can we breathe, once again, marked and boundless, a broken wing, crushed by ignorance. I could have wandered on, lived my life asleep like an old door. I never really understood why she said she could only hate what...

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July 19, 2016

What happens when you destroy your ego?

It seems to me that when you destroy the ego, life becomes infinitely more accessible. When you destroy the ego you are no longer bound by labels and your identity becomes free of attachments. I’ve done a lot of work to free my identity from attachments. In doing so, I...

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July 13, 2016

Is mindfulness harmful?

So lately, I’ve had the urge to up my spiritual practice game. Kind of like some people with their physical fitness, I tend to be on again, off again with my spiritual fitness. But I know when I start feeling off-centre, it’s time to turn inward. And mindfulness meditation is...

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July 7, 2016

Who is you? – 1st Draft

My friend Julian Stodd has inspired me do what he calls working out loud, which is, in effect, sharing your works in progress. I thought I’d do the same with some of the writing stuff i’m doing on the prose poetry/flash fiction/aphorism side, beginning with this piece, which was inspired...

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July 4, 2016

The Fool in Us

In this episode, Sarah and Clay explore the role of the Fool archetype and what we can learn from The Fool in our lives.

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