September 2008

September 29, 2008

my Gucci underwear

I want to impress my girl with my new Gucci underwear. I race to the bedroom and get undressed before she makes it to the top of the stairs.  She spends a half an hour in the bathroom.  If it were any other night, I would be asleep by now. ...

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September 27, 2008

i had to let her go

She smells like onions. It turns me on. I can tell by the way she walks that she has been walking through her daddy’s fields. I had to build up the courage to ask her out. We dated for about a month. Then one day she came over to my...

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September 26, 2008

song meme

A good friend of mine, Tim Clague, tagged me with the song meme.  I don’t usually do the memes, but Tim is like a demi-god so I thought I’d better do it or face his god like vengeance.  Anyway here are the instructions: Find a song that sums up what...

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September 25, 2008

found my head

I had a spell of enlightenment.  I chased that down with a cold patch of dark madness.  I found my head again, but now I am fighting boredom.  I want peace, love, and harmony on the one hand; and on the other, I want beer, battle, and bitches.  I keep...

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September 24, 2008

young and free

She is young.  She is single.  She has no ties.  She could up and leave at a moments notice.  She could travel the world if she wanted to.  Every day she sits in the same coffee house, at the same time, drinking the same drink, wearing the same dark blue...

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September 22, 2008


I met a girl named Josephine today.  She reminded me of the old army cadence we used to sing about a girl named Josephine and it went something like this: Hey Hey Josephine How do you do Do you remember me baby Like I remember you We used to meet...

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September 20, 2008

friendships come and go

I heard the door close on three good friendships this week. As I listened to their footsteps stagger down the street, I paused to reflect as to why.  Friendships, it seems to me, tend to gently drift apart over the course of time.  Unless, of course, the friendship ends because...

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September 19, 2008

under her wheels

her legs are long her heart is black listening to her cradle song is a natural aphrodisiac into her arms i fly her cherry bosoms bloom a dazed alumni of her secret room i’m under her wheels now praying for time to end if only god would allow her to...

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September 18, 2008

please pass the game controls

I sit here in Starbucks.  I watch the crowd of people make their way to work.  Wouldn’t it be better if they, if we, were all headed to our own Woodstock to share love for one another in perfect peace and harmony?  Or is that too tame? Does anybody have...

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September 9, 2008


Hey ho, yes I am still alive and yes I do intend to post i again in the near future.  I’ve mainly been occupied with re-immersing myself into my work after 3 weeks off, plus I’ve been doing a load of other stuff too that has kept me away from...

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