peace festival

The Peace Festival in Leamington Spa was another great success. This year I wrote and performed a poem as part of the the Holy Wells Procession fringe event which took place on Sunday.
The procession featured appearances by local artists, musicians, poets, storytellers, and dancers. The focal point of the event was us carrying around the ‘River of Wool’, made from many individual blue squares, knitted by people all across Warwickshire as part of the ‘Knit a River for Water Aid’ initiative.
‘Knit a River’ is a national project highlighting every human being’s right to a supply of fresh water and decent sanitation.
The lovely Tiziana organized the Holy Wells Procession.
Sunday was just a great poetry day for me. After doing my thing at the peace festival, I performed a couple of new poems at Pure and Good and Right Sunday evening. A good friend of mine, Dani Carbery, hosted the evening. She brought her mum, Marilyn along, and even though it was Father’s Day, we wrote poems of love and lust for Marilyn whom Dani says her boyfriends describe as a MILF.
Jude Simpson headlined the evening. She was spectacular. If you get a chance to see Jude perform, do so. Checkout her website to find out where she’s performing next.
I’m back in Scotland this week. I swear if I didn’t have a calendar in front of me I would think it was the beginning of winter not summer. Brrrr


  1. chesca June 19, 2007 at 5:39 pm

    i was just reading an article about poetry revival.
    i like how someone said:
    when did poetry stop being enjoyed…and become such code to be deciphered?
    i agree.
    your poetry is enjoyable.

    btw, i delivered on those pieces of eight.

  2. Clay Lowe June 20, 2007 at 12:09 am

    Hi Chesca,

    Thanks for the kind words on my poetry.

    I’m on my way over to check out your pieces of eight.


  3. gautami June 22, 2007 at 3:35 pm

    It looks like a great place o recite poetry!


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