
December 2, 2019

George Washington was right

You know, I’m not overly political. I have an inherent distrust of all politicians and largely see the left and the right as two-sides of the same flawed coin. For me, governments are a necessary evil. If I were to peg myself on the political spectrum, I’d be an anarchist...

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November 12, 2019

Sometimes we get lost

1 Getting into the world of work in a career you want is a hard slog. We churn kids out of education as if it was still the days of the industrial revolution where they graduated and then went to take their place next to their parents in the factory....

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August 14, 2017

Some things change; some things stay the same

I’ve decided to blow up my blog theme again and try something new. Actually I’ve had this theme for a while, just never used it. I’m undecided as to whether to do full blog post on the page format or some variation of the grid style blog or the read...

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