“This writing is like cocaine and I’m damned if I can figure out why people keep at it.”
“This writing is like cocaine and I’m damned if I can figure out why people keep at it.”
– Hunter S. Thompson
Nothing is fixed. Everything is fluid. Change is yours to wield
“This writing is like cocaine and I’m damned if I can figure out why people keep at it.”
– Hunter S. Thompson
Merry Christmas everyone. Hopefully you’ve been more naughty than nice! 🙂
“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.”
– Saint Augustine
“How do you achieve anything without goals? The short answer is: the same way as you always did — get excited about something and do it!”
“He’s like 29 and still lives with his parents. I can’t be with a guy still living in his parents’ attic. He moved in with me.”
– Overhead on the tube
50,000 students and lectures go up against the man.
want to know what’s going on inside my head?!
“The mystery life is not a question to be answered but a reality to be experienced.”
– Dune
“Truth took a back seat on the bus and then told me lie.”
“You gotta get closer to yourself. The less things in the way of you, the better off you’re gonna be.”
– David Briggs, music producer
Experimenting with the podcast format. In this mini-episode: a new study suggests that feature films are better than books for a child’s early development. Also, a look at Hunter S. Thompson’s collection of letters in The Proud Highway.
I had to laugh this morning at the lunacy of being on the human treadmill. Get up and execute the same routine day after day. I did have the thought what if I didn’t wake up this morning which made me realise that my big assumption is that I will wake up in the morning.
“Only poets and thieves can exercise free will, and most of them die young. For the rest of us, it’s back to the job. Long hours, plenty of bullshit, steady pay – then die and make room for somebody else. What else can I say?”
“Send lawyers, guns and money the revolution has begun.”
– Half Warren Zevon; half me