Nothing is fixed. Everything is fluid. Change is yours to wield
clay lowe
I’m an indie blogger, podcaster, and reality hacker on a mission to explore and teach Change Magick—a living framework for personal power, transformation, and self-mastery.
The ‘Soulcruzer’ podcast (more of an audioblog, really).
Expect a blend of mysticism and music, psyche and soul, everyday wisdom, and the esoteric. One day, I might be waxing lyrical about Nietzsche’s eternal return, and the next, uncovering the wisdom of the tarot. It’s all up for grabs on this pod.
So, if first-person confessional style podcasts are your jam, subscribe to mine wherever you get your podcasts. I’m on all of the major platforms.
Seeing the Shapes of Things
In this episode, I take you along for an afternoon walk as I explore a phrase that caught my attention: “Learn to see the shapes of things rather than the stories.” What does it mean to perceive reality without immediately turning it into a narrative? How do we strip experience down to its raw structure before the mind rushes in to impose meaning?
I dive into the tyranny of story—how our minds are wired to turn life into a coherent narrative, even when reality itself is more like a landscape, a shifting web of patterns rather than a neatly plotted novel. What if we could resist the urge to explain everything and instead train ourselves to see the world through shapes, structures, and rhythms?
Through reflections on art, perception, emotions, and chaos magick, I explore how shifting our way of seeing could help us break free from rigid narratives and gain more creative control over our experience.