Blog · April 17, 2005 0

back from the hills

WOW! Times has a sneaky way of passing by. I’ve spent the last three weeks in Aviemore, Scotland surrounded by the beautiful Cairngorm Mountains. Unfortunately it was not a trip of leisure. I was working with a client helping them get their call center staff trained up to handle calls for a new client they picked up. I found myself in more of a project management role then a training role, but I had fun never the less. I’d like to visit Aviemore again, but with my mountain bike and kayak. There’s some great looking trails and lochs in the area, and Ben Nevis is only about 45 minutes away.

Speaking of kayak, I just picked up my new kayak today. I’m itching to get the thing in the water, so tomorrow I think I’ll spend the afternoon getting acquainted with her on the River Avon. One disturbing thing I learned to today about Britain is that the rivers are privately own and for the most part the owners don’t seem that accomadating of kayakers or canoers. For instnce, in Wales, there are over 300 rivers and only 6 have partial public access. It’s incidences like these that make me miss the wide open freedom we enjoy in the States. Oh well.

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