
March 6, 2004

The King and the Duck come out of semi-retirement

Last night, in a shameful show of disrespect, Richard “the Duck” Watson talked smack repeatedly as he boasted about his ability to handle the rock and take Clay “the King” Lowe to the hoop anyday, anytime, anyplace. “I think he’s been drinking to much Sterno,” said the King. “Everybody knows...

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March 4, 2004

What I’ve Learned

I’ve enjoyed reading the last two issues of Esquire magazine. The What I’ve Learned interviews, in particular, have been inspiring. Jack Nicholson had some insightful words to pass on, as did Ozwald Boateng and Danny DeVito….I admire their dedication to their craft…the single-minded drive to be the best in their...

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February 28, 2004

Splish Splash I Was Taking a Bath

I’ve been busy trying to get the edits done for the rockumentary i’m working on for Slowjet. I’m flying up to Edinburgh tomorrrow night, so I really needed to get at least the first cut done. I was up till late last nite, but it was worth it. I now...

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February 25, 2004


My mind is racing, but my body is tired. I’m a firm believer in planting nuggets of information in my subconscious mind and letting the info percolate. The subconsious mind always finds and answer and usually the answer comes to you when you least expect it…like today, I was sitting...

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February 23, 2004

At the Mercy

I was at the mercy of technology today. I had my whole day planned before going into work and then wouldn’t you know it, my user ID was blocked and I couldn’t log on to the network. Thus I was out of action PC-wise until after lunch. And of course,...

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February 22, 2004

Catch Up

The past week has been a virtual whirlwind of activity. I was up in Edinburgh to meet with my new boss and discuss our near and long-term objectives both from a business standpoint and a personal development standpoint. I’m fine with the business objectives, but always seem to struggle with...

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February 16, 2004


I arrived in Edinburgh last night around 2200 having spent more time in the Birmingham airport than I’d wanted. The plane was delayed due to a failed generator. No complaints…best that they fix these kind of things on the ground then have a problem in the air. I’m staying at...

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February 15, 2004

Mr Fix It

Ruth says I’m lazy. I say I just have no patience for building or fixing things. My definition of lazy is someone who sits around and does nothing all day. The last thing I want to do is sit around and do nothing. I prefer to be outdoors and active…rock...

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February 13, 2004

The Seven Deadly Sins

I borrowed this survey from Quitespecial’s LJ. Here are my answers… ANGER 1. Who did you last get angry with? Anger is an emotion I don’t come across very often, but when I do it’s usually not pretty. The last time I was really angry was during an adventure race...

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February 13, 2004

I’m a Legal Alien

Today I am officially an honorary Brit…my indefinate leave to stay in the UK residency permit came in the post. Yippee!

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February 12, 2004

Pen y Fan

We spent the evening at the Welsh International Climbing Centre. They have a 45 room bunkhouse. The accommadtions are sparse; basically a couple of cheap beds, small screen TV, and shared toilet and shower facilities. But for £14 a nite plus a full breakfast, it was more than enough for...

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February 11, 2004


I like to climb rocks. Sometimes I question the sanity of climbing rocks for fun because I’m not sure if it’s for the challenge or if it’s just that I have to much idle time on my hands or simply because the rocks are there. At any rate Paul and...

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February 10, 2004


My saunter to New Street station in Birmingham turned into spending the afternoon wandering around the city centre. I’ve been to Birmingham on many occasions, so I didn’t quite fullfil my original intent which was to hop on a train to someplace I’ve never been…reason…time was just not my friend…I...

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February 10, 2004

Best Laid Plans

Our choices of half chance, or the saying goes…and this morning was typical pf that half chance. I rolled out of bed a little later than usuall…0530 instead of 0430. I wanted to watch a DVD produced by O’neil, the surf and snowboard retailer. Quick aside…the DVD was very inspirational...

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February 9, 2004

On Dicing

Okay so I haven’t done well on the dicing…I make so many decisions a day that hald the time I coundn’t be bothered to role the dice and the other half, I couldn’t stomach the idea of leaving the choice to chance instead of deliberation. I have to let go...

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February 9, 2004

Eye of the Tiger

It’s the 9th day of Feb and I’m now just starting my journal for 2004, which is a break from tradition for me as I usually begin in January with the grand idea that this will be the year I finally take writing seriously and get published and yada yada...

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February 9, 2004

Weird Wonk

I’m in a lull before transition…transition between phases…it’s like the quiet before the storm type of thing were I feel calm and confused and unfocused. Best cure for it is just to read and ride it out. I started rereading the Balkan Ghost by Robert Kaplan. He is one of...

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February 8, 2004

The Dice Man Cometh

I stumbled across a 60 second interview with Luke Rhinehart in Friday’s edition of the Metro. I had never heard of the dice theory before even though Luke’s original book appeared 30 years ago. At any rate, I did some surfing around to find more enough on ‘dicing’. It sounds...

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February 8, 2004


Okay, I’m happy now. I’ve found my way around enough to be comfortable. I currently maintain a blogg on but as I like the look and feel of livejournal, I think I will start migrating my thoughts over here. I especially like the fact that I can update from...

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