Blog · April 19, 2005 0


I took the kayak out for it’s maiden voyage yesterday (well maiden for me anyway). I can see it’s going to take some time for us to get used to each other. In my previous post, I talked about access rights to the rivers, well we decided to forgo bothering with access right on this occaision, the thought being, “what the hell are they going to do? Make us get out of the river and walk?” As fortune would have it, we didn’t encounter any opposition and had a rather peaceful time on the River Avon.

After 3 weeks on the trot in Scotland, it’s nice to have a little break. Well I say break, i’m still working, but at a more leisurely pace. Like today, I worked out for about 2.5 hours (Tai Chi, Boxing, and a 3.5 mile run). I was suppose to have a mentoring meeting with a young business owner who is sponsored by the Prince’s Trust. The lady from the Prince’s Trust showed up, but unfortunately my prospective new mentoree didn’t show. Apparently she forgot about our meeting. Not to worry. I called my French friend and went to meet her for a coffee and a chat. The conversation, as usual, went all over the shop. We talked about politics, war, religion, and the search for ultimate truth. Nice stimulating conversation to get me warmed up for lunch.

I stopped by another friend’s house to pick up a CD with some unedited film footage of the crew of which I’ll spend some time this week editing into a documentary on their epic adventure of rowing across the Atlantic. I interviewed the crew a couple of weeks ago. Hopefully I got some good footage.

And then it was back home to do some mundane stuff like drop my suit off at the cleaners (I rarely wear a suit anymore), deposit some checks (always a good thing) and buy some fruit (gotta stay healthy).

I finally got around to doing some “proper” work at about 2pm. I had to balance the books and send out a couple of invoices (also a good thing).

I’ve decided to have a go at keeping a video diary to augment my LJ action. Perhaps I might be able to string that into something useful.

I’ve been having this internal debate about whether to buy a Land Rover Defender 90 or not. I’ve been talking about getting one almost since I came to England, but each time I’ve talked myself out of it mainly because the price of fuel here is insane. But now with the new addition of a kayak, plus my mountain bike, and climbing gear etc I’m thinking my lifestyle is more conducive to a Land Rover than a Ford Escort. But then again, I commute like a madman all over the country. Ah but, I could start using public transport more, which could keep my fuel costs down, and help save the environment…Hmmm

At any rate, I’m off to view/test drive some Defenders tomorrow…


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