In this episode Sarah Beth and Clay discuss the idea of purpose and what role it does or doesn’t play in helping us feel more fulfilled.
Date Archives April 2016
Embrace You Inner Wildness
In this episode, Sarah Beth and Clay discuss how modern life has disconnected us from our inner wildness and how re-engaging with our inner wildness can lead to feeling more peaceful.
Conversation with Simon Perkin
I had a fantastic conversation with Simon Perkin about planning for success PDR.
Follow Your Instincts
It’s been said that your “gut instinct” is your intellect on speed. In this episode, Sarah Beth and Clay discuss body wisdom and learning to trust your intuition.
French Market in Southam
I took a stroll in to town to check out the French Market. #Southam #Community
Can Physical Training Be a Spiritual Practice?
In this episode, Clay and Sarah Beth discuss how physical training, like weightlifting, can be used as a spiritual practice. #Fitness #Lifestyle
Afternoon in a Quiet Room
While rummaging through one of my old notebooks, I came across this question: can I make my life count?