April 2007

April 30, 2007

and the dead poets go

I had promise you know I learned to love the literature Of men whose words had power Who could sing to a Grecian Urn Or make Ozymandias’ broken stones immortal Yes my heart leapt up When I first read the rainbow in the sky And the lady who walks In...

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April 30, 2007

I feel like a caged animal today, and people are poking sticks through the bars. I am expending a ton of mental energy to maintain my focus and my cool. I simultaneously want to explode and implode! As Snap once sang: It’s like a day when nothing seems to go...

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April 29, 2007

poet as artist

Cruising through the weekend, I came upon this quote by Salman Rushdie: “A poet’s work is to name the unnameable, to point at frauds, to take sides, start arguments, shape the world, and stop it going to sleep.” The quote resonates with me because I think poetry some times has...

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April 22, 2007

madman or poet

I was out wandering the hills this weekend in Mid-Wales on Cader Idris. Legend has it that the mountain is haunted and anyone who spends the night on the top of Cader Idris will wake up either a madman or a poet. Personally I didn’t think there was a difference...

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April 17, 2007

i made the switch

I made the switch from pc to mac and after 3 days of happy computing, I don’t think I’ll ever be looking back. I thought my learning curve would be a lot higher, but so far, I have found navigating the system to be very intuitive. The reason I made...

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April 13, 2007

thought experiement #27

Assume that ther is a broader picture than your own point of view. What would happen if you lost your point of view? Who would you be? Try this: If you are bleeding heart liberal, immerse yourself in a conservative’s point of view – think how they think, read what...

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April 7, 2007

mad, bad and dangerous to know

In honor of National Poetry Month, I present to you George Gordon, a.k.a Lord Byron.  In my early days, when I first got into poetry, Lord Byron, along with several other of the romantic poets, was my hero as much for his poetry as being the bad boy of poetry...

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April 6, 2007

what’s that i hear?

  time, that beautiful handmaiden whispered in my ear: you gotta get going baby you gotta get going death is near but i’ve got songs to write sweet melodic words to pen surely it must be a sin to die with them within? then you gotta write baby you gotta...

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April 5, 2007

t.s. eliot

As it is National Poetry Month, I thought it would only be fitting to celebrate by highlighting different poets through out the month.  My first selection has to be T.S. Eliot as he has had the biggest influence on me as a poet.  My favorite Eliot poem is The Lovesong of J....

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April 4, 2007

it’s easy to forget

I had a lie in this morning to think and reflect about my life as it was, as it is, and as I want it to be.  You know often I get moving into a space where I am so focused on obtaining something that I forget the simple rules...

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