June 2005

June 28, 2005


We’ve just returned from a 6 day camping trip in the Isle of Wight. Mostly it was a chance to relax and unwind for a few days. In fact, a part from a few tourist attractions, we didn’t do much except lie around either the campsite, the pool, or the...

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June 16, 2005

Question: What are you pretending not to know?

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June 14, 2005

bookstores and libraries

Bookstores and libraries are always my favourite sources for inspiration. I walked away from Waterstones today with some exciting titles: Winning, by Jack Welch, Truth, by Simon Blackburn, Man and his Symbols, by Carl Jung, and SynchroDestiny, by Deepak Chopra. I’m giddy with anticipation of delving into the knowledge and...

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June 14, 2005

The mountains have a profound affect on me. My glow returns, and my integrity is more centred.

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June 14, 2005

the right practice

I’ve been thinking about what form my practice should take. I like the principles and beliefs behind Aikido yet I believe I would struggle to find a dojo that was more inclines towards teaching the spirituality of the art followed by the physical manifestation of it. The likelihood is that...

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June 7, 2005

Chasing Tomorrow

Money, or financial independence to be precise, is thought to be the elixir that will cure all ones ills. “If only I had more money…” is a common mantra among those seeking to escape the functional reality of their ordinary lives. The materialist’s view is that happiness is having more...

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June 7, 2005

I dreamt that a friend’s parents had rented out a 747 with no seats to fly a gang of somewhere. The hollowed out 747 was so we could play football in the back so as not to get board on the flight. In other part of the dream, I met...

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June 2, 2005

I’m sitting in my bat cave chilling to some mellow tunes watching the sun sink below the horizon. There are 3 boys and a girl playing grab-ass in the school yard that runs paralell to my back yard(garden for you UK types). I’m between contracts at the moment, so this...

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